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School | Daycare

School and Childcare

Today's environment poses so many opportunities for unexpected dangers, injuries, and threats we don't get the luxury of determining when and where it's best to occur... even less, whom it should happen to. 

LifeSafety365 offers several programs and services that will allow you and your faculty or school to be prepared for the unknown.  All training scenarios for skills tests are customized to reflect your environment where mishaps are likely to occur.  Being prepared for the worst-case scenarios that could one day strike your school or childcare center is vital.

Pediatric First Aid CPR & K-12 Schools 

AHA Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED or K-12 Schools certification course trains participants how to respond to and manage illnesses and injuries in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. These courses are geared towards anyone involved in childcare or K-12 school settings. Including childcare workers, teachers, camp counselors, etc.

These courses teach… First aid basics including medical, injury, poison, and environmental emergencies, preventing illnesses and injuries and controlling bleeding & bandaging. Covers topics like using a tourniquet, shock, internal bleeding, allergic reactions, breathing problems & dehydration, diabetes & low blood sugar, heat-and cold-related emergencies, drowning, amputations, bites and stings, broken bones and sprains. Also covers splinters, nose bleeds, fainting, seizures, and injuries to the head, eyes, neck, spine, mouth, and teeth. CPR AED and choking: CPR and AED Use for Adults*, Children and Infants, Adult*, Child, and Infant Choking

Upon successful completion of these courses, including a first aid skills demonstration and a CPR and AED skills test, students will receive a First Aid CPR AED  course completion card, which is valid for two years. GET CERTIFIED.

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Send us your contact information to schedule or request an onsite group training for your team OR organization.

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Active Violence Emergency Response Training

Active violence incidents can happen anywhere.  Statistically, there is a 16% chance the life-threatening event will happen at a school. Sadly, the risk of facing an active shooter is a real concern and being prepared and knowing how to handle the situation correctly is a matter of life and death. With AVERT – you'll learn how to recognize the signs of danger, react appropriately, and make rapid survival decisions.

With the AVERT program, LifeSafety365 goes beyond active shooter response training by also teaching how to control life-threatening bleeding.  To help your team get a better idea of how an active shooter scenario might play out and to give them a chance to practice what they have learned, we will simulate a live scenario. This will occur in a safe but realistic manner to ensure your team is prepared properly. 


Dealing with a situation such as this and knowing how to respond correctly is never easy. But through our live scenario simulations, we are able to offer a clear and realistic experience to your faculty and staff members.


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Click to access AVERT Infograph

Send us your contact information to learn about preparing your team or organization to anticipate potential violence and react quickly in life-threatening situations.

  LifeSafety365 Safety Workshops  

LifeSafety365, LLC offers free workshops to community centers and organizations in an effort to prepare the community to respond to traumatic events through our LifeSafety365 Community Workshops.  Hands-only (bystander) CPR and STOP THE BLEED® are 2 safety programs we have adopted to bring the community basic life-saving skills.  



If you’re from the state of IL or Chicagoland area, did your school and public institution receive their Control Bleed kits?  Ready Illinois reported in September of 2019 the Illinois Terrorism Task Force was distributing 7,000 STOP the Bleed kits to schools throughout the state of Illinois.  (see press @ If the School Safety Working Group thought, it was necessary to make such a recommendation; wouldn’t you think it just as important to ensure childcare providers have the knowledge and preparedness to deploy the kits?  Your school may qualify for a discounted or free workshop that will provide instructions for up to 5 persons. 

LifeSafety365 is a certified training center that’s permitted to teach The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program.  The program has trained over 1.5 million worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person.  Through our STOP THE BLEED® course, students will gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. The person next to a bleeding victim may be the one who’s most likely to save him or her. 


Can you imagine the value of life a youth acquires with they learn life-saving skills to prevent the fatality of a schoolmate or family member?   Visit us on our Facebook page for information on the next workshop we may be hosting in the community or contact us to partner up on hosting a Community LifeSafety Workshop for FREE.

Hands-Only CPR 
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The location of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests (OHCA) most often occurs in homes/residences (70%), followed by public settings (18.8%), and nursing homes (11.2%).  If performed immediately, CPR can double or triple the chance of survival from an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. 


Offered through the Health and Safety Institute (HSI), in partnership with Fairfield Medical Center and the Gordon B. Snider Cardiovascular Institute,  Hands-On Practical Experience (HOPE) CPR courses are now available.  

The goal is a simple one: to save as many lives as possible. HOPE is designed for anyone who desires potentially life-saving hands-on practical experience in chest compression-only CPR; children attending school, family members and friends, community members, education, business, or religious communities. Best of all, HOPE classes are free of charge.


HOPE training materials are digital and are provided to emergency care instructors, like LifeSafety365 as a public service.  Visit us on our Facebook page for information on the next workshop we may be hosting in the community or contact us to partner up on hosting a Community LifeSafety Workshop for FREE.

Do you know what to do when someone suddenly collapses? 

Send us your contact information to learn more about hosting a safety workshop for your daycare workers and their family and friends.

Other Products and Services

We are more than a training service, we are an emergency response provider.  We provide products, equipment and solutions that allow first responder to be prepared to respond to life-threatening emergency incidents. 


LifeSafety365 Online Store has an array of First Aid equipment and supplies for most emergency response needs whether it be individual first aid kits (ifak) or first responders’ kits for natural disasters or trauma.

For every minute without getting defibrillation or high-quality CPR, the chances for survival decrease 7 to 10%.  We'll assist with acquiring AEDs that fits your environment best and offer management services. 

We offer budget-friendly wireless solutions that includes wireless paging, two-way intercom communications, emergency notification, overhead paging, public address messaging, and break bell systems for emergency alerting others.

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