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Today's environment poses so many opportunities for unexpected dangers, injuries, and threats we don't get the luxury of determining when and where it's best to occur... even less, whom it should happen to.  Did you know after a severe injury a person can bleed to death in as little as 3 minutes?   A person suffering from sudden cardiac arrest only has limited time for survival before advance care arrives.


So it's imperative for all persons to know CPR, how to apply AED pads, assess basic first aid needs, or how to respond to traumatic bleeding.  LifeSafety365 is your safety hub that has the community covered with the services, programs, and desire to make the world a safer place.  

  LifeSafety365 Community Workshop  

LifeSafety365, LLC offers workshops to community centers and organizations in an effort to prepare the community to respond to traumatic events through our LifeSafety365 Community Workshops.  Hands-on practical experience workshops train citizens in Hands-Only CPR and STOP THE BLEED® are 2 safety programs we have adopted to bring the community basic life-saving skills.  

Hands-only CPR
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Hands-Only CPR is a simplified form of CPR using only chest compressions (no mouth-to-mouth breaths). Chest compression-only CPR has been shown to be as effective as regular CPR. For those who suffer a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital, the chance of survival is less than 10 percent. Brain damage can occur in four minutes and for every minute without CPR, the chance of survival goes down by 10 percent.

The goal is a simple one: to save as many lives as possible. The Hands-Only CPR is 45-90 minutes safety workshop designed for anyone who desires potentially life-saving hands-on practical experience in chest compression-only CPR.  We also instruct participants on how to administer naloxone to a potential opioid overdose victim.


This safety workshop is a positive educational experience designed for anyone who desires to learn this potentially life-saving skill; children attending school, family members and friends, or members of our local, education, business, or religious communities. Thousands of people have already participated in Hands-Only CPR training.

#3forHeart CPR Challenge

Damar Hamlin is kickstarting a campaign to spread CPR awareness and training following his on-field medical scare earlier this month ... teaming up with the American Heart Association to create the "3 For Heart" challenge.  LifeSafety365 is joining the #3forHeart CPR challenge in show of support and awareness to the importance of CPR education and training.

Step 1. Learn CPR

Join us in the #3forHeart challenge by attending one of our FREE Hands-Only CPR workshops Or host a Hands-Only workshop & we'll teach hands-only CPR to your group.

Step 2. Give

Donate to the American Heart Association to fund CPR education and training, and other lifesaving programs and scientific research.

Step 3. Share

Share the challenge with 3 friends by tagging them with #3forHeart™ on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Did you know a person can bleed to death in as little as 3 minutes?  When medical care may be delayed, an immediate responder, a person like you who is nearby when life-threatening bleeding occurs, can make a difference in a person's chance of survival.  Through our STOP THE BLEED® course, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively.  LifeSafety365 is a certified training center that’s permitted to teach The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program.  Visit us on our Facebook page for information on the next workshop we may be hosting in the community or contact us to partner with LifeSafety365 to host a Community Workshop.

Send us your contact information to schedule or request an onsite group training for your team OR organization.

CPR AED & Basic First Aid CPR Certification Courses
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CPR AED or Basic First Aid CPR AED Course is a classroom, Instructor-led course designed to prepare students to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner. This is the course to choose for efficient, effective training of education and child-care professionals, recreation and other community program staff, new parents, guardians, construction workers, and other caretakers.

Upon successful completion of the course, including a first aid skills demonstration and a CPR and AED skills test, students will receive a Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED course certification card, which is valid for two (2) years. A Blended Option with an online portion combined with an in-person skills test is offered as well.  GET CERTIFIED.

Send us your contact information to schedule or request an onsite group training for your team OR organization.

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Active Violence Emergency Response Training

Active violence incidents can happen anywhere.  Statistically, there is a 31% chance the life-threatening event will happen in Open spaces.  Open spaces are public gathering places such as events, festivals, transportation areas, and parks. So sadly, the risk of facing an active shooter or traumatic medical emergency is a real concern, and being prepared and knowing how to handle the situation correctly is a matter of life and death. With the help of our AVERT program, LifeSafety365 can ensure your staff or faculty is properly prepared and ready to act.

While all community organizations and/or centers should have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in place that provides guidelines for dealing with an active shooter, there is no substitute for having live scenario experience in knowing what to do and how to quickly follow your EAP.  Allow LifeSafety 365 to evaluate your EAP and/or assist with hosting an AVERT workshop for the faculty and staff.

Send us your contact information to learn about preparing your team or organization to anticipate potential violence and react quickly in life-threatening situations.

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